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"NFO offers an outstanding service that is matched no where else in my opinion." - Minion Order

"My ping ranges from 23-29 and I keep perfect fps as well as 0 choke/loss. Registry is AWSOME, the forums are AWSOME, the tools available are AWSOME!!" - Flying-Squirrel

"... after having (our) nfo server up for 30mins people started to flock to us. They were like (our) pings are so good and it's so smooth. I can't thank everyone at nfo enough. You all are hands down the best server / people out there." - Tomconno

"Most GSP tend to have their servers going to the crapper within months but not NFo, they been on top of everything day by day, and their support is still ranked #1 in my book." - IcEWoLF

"If you're thinking about switching to NFO, do it. I don't know of any other server company in which you can get live support 24/7 and have someone ... nicely explain to you how servers work for almost THREE hours! This company continues to have excellent customer service." - kmal2t

"Best service and support you can ever imagine, price could be triple and after dealing with NFO, i would pay it without blinking!! " - Mystery

"Nuclearfallout is hands down the best public server GSP out there..." - ix007

Read hundreds of other real, self-submitted testimonials from our customers!


Privacy policy
Categories of information that we collect and who we share that information with.

We collect the first name, last name, and email address from our subscribers in order to uniquely identify each person in our database. We do not share this information with any third party with the exception of our payment processor.

When a credit or debit card is used to pay for a subscription, we additionally collect billing information to include the credit card number and expiration date, address, and phone number of the client. This information is never shared with any third party with the exception of our credit card processor.

If the customer chooses to use Paypal, Paypal may also directly request further information from each subscriber for billing purposes, such as a physical address and credit card information (or other payment method information). Paypal is governed by its own privacy policy that each renter should read when signing up for the subscription at the Paypal website and before entering any private information into a Paypal webpage. Paypal occasionally shares the physical address of a renter with us, but we do not intentionally collect or store this information from it.

Process to review and request changes to stored personally identifiable information.

At any time, customers (and anyone who has created an account in our system) may change the email address we associate with their name and current subscriptions by logging into the Control panel (available from https://www.nfoservers.com) and following the instructions on the Main page under My account. Similarly, information associated with payment sources may be edited or deleted through the Payments page under My account.

Individuals may not change their last or first name, or remove their account entirely, using this method. If an individual wishes to change the first or last name in our database, that person will need to contact us, from the registered email address of the account.

Process by which we notify consumers of changes to our privacy policy.

Changes to this privacy policy will be posted here.

Effective date.

The effective date of the current privacy policy is June 28, 2004.